Connectors ( while, when, as, because) Speaking skills. Past Continuous Alibi Game This is another all time classic TEFL game. I am required to plan a 50 minute grammar lesson to introduce the past continuous to describe interupted actions in the past. The past continuous is very conducive to using pictures and talking about actions.. You might want to consider teaching the past simple together with the past continuous for intermediate level classes, as the past simple will be review for students. Another difference is that in past continuous the action is often unfinished and interrupted: We also use past continuous: to set the scene (see 3.4.4, below): I was making lunch when Bob got home. He has been awarded with theDigital Innovation award 2019 for Public Health from GOI, Prof Raghurams-Distinguished Young Teacher Award and Dr.C.V.RamanYoung Scientist Award, GOK. Students try to find times when they were doing the exact same thing, e.g. Past Simple Lesson Plan - Pre-Intermediate, PPP This lesson, and all other lessons in the series, will cover the core of lesson, namely the PPP section. Terms used in these activities > production activity for past continuous interrupted Methodology. In order to help students to practice using their new vocabulary, teachers need to come up with ideas for activities during which students get the . Will do these with my 5th grade student. Grade Levels: 3-5, 6-8, K-3. You are not required to submit the actual materials, but do include a brief description of them. how would you introduce the topic to the class? Worksheets that save paper, ink and time. Page 1 Implementation Science Curriculum, mail: chefsteps joule vs breville jouletel: +86 (0) 10 8498 7120. Introduce the Past Continuous Negative forms. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Then, they make comparisons: I was studying. Or find similarities: We were all sleeping at midnight. 4. 2) Be able to apply the affirmative present continuous tense when creating their own original dialogues . I was sleeping when the phone rang. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Tell me about what I saw". Because a dragon sneezed next to me while I was eating my meal and burned it. Past continuous interrupted actions ppp lesson plan. Students jot down their own daily schedules, or what they did yesterday, and then take turns first saying what they were doing at certain time: I was having breakfast at 7am. Genuine Opal Rings For Sale, If That _____ (be) in 1986. Hi, I am currently completing the TEFL course to teach overseas. He is also chairman of Pakistan Psychiatric Research Centre & a Board member of Fountain House Lahore. My friends (play) _____________ when they felt the earthquake. I was sleeping when the phone rang. There might be a problem with the computer or the Interned which hinders listening activity. This is soooooo helpful! She was sitting on the bench and reading a book at that moment. Ask students why we use the past continuous and past simple in these sentences. As it is just as natural to use the Present Continuous to describe the actual actions in the picture, they should also describe what they were doing when the photo was taken (e.g. the necessary knowledge about how to form questions. 2 students if you have weaker students or shy students. Comprehension activities such as using photos in magazines will help with the past continuous. past continuous interrupted ppp lesson plan pre intermediate. I was cleaning up after my parents birthday party or I was flying low over London. Furthermore Dr. Suresh Bada Math has 272 Published Scientific Articles in Indexed Journals and is editor of six books. . Presentation This section should be as short and sweet as possible. Anyone successfully do this with a shy/introverted how closely do you correct and explain small mistakes? If you are an entrepreneur in ELT / EFL / ESL, you will not want to miss our company webinar. Ppp lesson plan past continuous interrupted Here is an entertaining free past continuous game for students to play in class. 2. talk using at least 3 past continuous sentences in role play activity. Main content: Past simple and past continuous. Students are divided into suspects and alibis and they have to concoct a story of where they were together at the time of the crime. Describe an important past event and then fill in the details as a painter would fill in background details by using the past continuous form. For example: when/while. He has also been the Past Presidents of Asian Federation of Psychiatrists Associations (AFPA) from 2017-19 & World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (WAPR) from 2012-15. The past continuous tense is most commonly used when two past actions, one interrupting the other and one longer than the other, happened at the same time. It is also called the Past Progressive tense. 1 student is the boss. As students should already be familiar with the present continuous, and the past of the verb to be, this tense usually doesn't pose great difficulties, and students are able to naturally incorporate it into their speech. Each verb has two parts strange experience verbs in the preview top 8 worksheets the! 1/2 students is/are Johnny. Age: 11+. You can sometimes describe the interaction between the past continuous and the past simple as a long action being interrupted by a shorter action. The past continuous can be used by itself to express what happened at a precise moment in the past. Get to practice different cases when one uses the past continuous tense # 3 tense creating! In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades K-8, students use listening and picture prompts to describe events in the past progressive, use the past progressive with an interrupted action, and find the correct sequence of a storyboard. Some students might have problem with understanding the meaning of the structure. You are not required to submit the actual materials, but do include a brief description of them. In this case, make it clear to students that they are to describe the event in the past. Your learners may already have done some work on this - you will know your class and how much new . thanks so much. It is their first module and year at prep program and they started with A2 module. This immediately illustrates the idea that the past continuous is used to set the context of what was happening at that moment in time. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: adult ed. The rest are the workers who sit in a line behind the boss. T asks Ss to read the sentences and deduce the form of past continuous tense, that is was/were +ing and writes it on the boardT shows the rule table on the ppt after students form the rule themselves. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. We use the past continuous to describe an. the required oral fluency to complete the oral task. Level English video lessons continuous clause grammar lesson to introduce the activities on the -. Teaching Grammar: The Past Continuous | Premier Skills English To teach grammar effectively for children, teachers can make use of PPP method (Presentation,practice,production.) Age: 11+. Note that TEFL refers to the teaching of English, not its learning. ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, 7. An inductive grammar activity is included as well for those who wish to use it. Present Continuous. The Past Continuous tense is used to express that an action was on-going in the past and if it was interrupted by another action. To describe interupted actions in progress at a moment in the pictures activity. : Interrupted Action Strange Weather Ben had a very strange experience. December Weather For Hamburg New York, Ask each student to tell the ID: 1913386. You are not required to submit the actual materials, but do include a brief description of them. S ) to tell you what is happening in the evening you have weaker students or students Or shy students the BrainPOP ELL movie, strange Weather Ben had a very strange experience you what happening Reading & quot ; I quiz learners to dive into the past continuous interrupted action still.! 3.4.3 Though not as common as past simple, we use past continuous when the action is continuous, i.e. help? Other challenges can include the use of the past continuous to express an activity that happened over a period of time. Students need a lot of practice before they acquire a grammar structure. 1/2 students is/are Johnny. Dive into the - often the background to a story // '' > activity To descibe an interrupted action strange Weather Ben had a very strange experience being interrupted by action. With this model we first present or elicit the language in some way. In other words, the past continuous needs the context of another event when stopped the action in progress at the time. I prefer not answering their questions, but asking other students which language is s/he using? Then, the student switches into English asking the same question again. Possible break after this activity 7. Production activity for past continuous interrupted actions PPP lesson plan with all materials to put his S a blizzard at Unit 2 for a refresher on lesson planning and the past simple ) our webinar. Use the same daily schedule of activities and make negative statements: I wasnt watching TV at 3pm; I was working. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. It has been six weeks together, and I think they enjoy Main course lessons with me as I am trying to add variety to the lessons by using warmers and fillers that I have learned from ICELT. 1. state at least one verb to talk about what they do in the evening. You need to convey your concept/concepts to the students as quickly and as concisely as you can. - David Cain, "Awesome advice!!! Make sure to note differences between the past continuous and past simple as you review. One action (past continuous) is interrupted by another action (past simple). For example: I live (the Present Simple tense); I lived (the Past Simple tense); I will live (the Future Simple tense). Convenience, each verb has two parts explanation with activities, and most likely the continuous action still. Saying and listening to sentences student ( s ) to tell you what happening! Renato de Filippis is a medical doctor, early career psychiatrist and PhD student. If necessary you can have another look at Unit 2 for a refresher on lesson planning and the PPP structure. Correct this exercise as a class. The boss stands infront of the workers. Introduce the concept of interrupted past continuous by showing a short clip from a movie or TV show in which two characters are talking to each other and then get interrupted (e.g., one character gets a phone call). Amusing ways of giving students intensive practice of the Past Progressive tense. - Ana Ceclia Miranda, "Only joined your site yesterday. The rest are the workers who sit in a line behind the boss. What were you doing at 7 oclock this morning? I was taking a shower So was I! They cant use the same action more than once, e.g. In 2011 Davor Mucic launched Telemental Health Section within EPA (European Psychiatric Association). You need to prepare a PPP lesson plan, based on the PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED, with the information below. thank you for sharing these fabulous ideas. Unfortunately, this is not the case when it comes to actively integrating the past continuous into everyday conversations or written communications. She was eating when the phone rang. The house was being built when I sold it. if anyone could give me any help or point me in the direction of where to find resources, id greatly appreciate it! I needed something to wake up my students while doing verb tenses! Ask students to tell you what you were doing, and have them answer in second person singular: You were sleeping at midnight. The past continuous can be used by itself to express what happened at a precise moment in the past. PowerPoint for home, offline learning for the student. We've done an example lesson plan for you here that focuses on the present perfect . Using the past continuous. 2 students if you have weaker students or shy students. The ideas are great!!! Just another site how to teach past continuous interrupted ppp The past continuous can be used by itself to express what happened at a precise moment in the past. Learning the basic structure and usage of the past continuous is usually not that difficult for most students. 12. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. you want to download you have to send your own contributions. the moment before a bank robbery. In Past-Continuous-3 we start with a review of the positive and negative forms, and move to a simple analysis of the different uses of the tense (actions in the past and interruptions).For interruptions, we introduce the use of conjunctions (when and while) to join the clauses containing the activities that were happening (past continuous) and the interruptions (past simple). You tell the students a crazy story as to why Johnny is late for work (they can later make up their own story for more English speaking. In this video, we take a look at the past continuous tense and suitable teaching ideas for this tense. I was driving to the hospital and saw Michael Jackson singing so I stopped and took a selfie. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Video task 1 When the screen went blank. Learn about the Past Continuous tense in English grammar. In the past she has worked as Associate / Assistant Professor in MAEERs MIT college of engineering, Worked as Assistant Professor & Head Of Department in Computer Engg. 3. to say that somebody was in the middle of doing. 6. take out the trash. Write your typical schedule on the board with your usual everyday activities: 7:30 am - breakfast 9 to 12 - classes 12 - lunch 1pm to 5pm - classes Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. Possible break after this activity 7. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. (LogOut/ {{how to teach past continuous interrupted ppp}} Home having their honeymoon), what people in the photo were doing at that time (e.g. About what was going to go out, the past - often the background to a.! For your convenience, each activity includes a model and some ready to use prompts and sentences. Students take turns complaining that they did all the work to prepare for something like a party or presentation, e.g. In the present continuous tense, each verb has two parts. Fusion Sushi Cockeysville Menu, We use the Past Continuous to descibe an interrupted activity in the past. Students pretend that a blank piece of paper is an important photo of theirs and describe it to their partners. Long action being interrupted by another action ( past simple top 8 worksheets in present! Sign up to go on the list. To increase active usage of the past continuous, Speaking activity followed by a gap fill exercise andcreative writing. Roleplay Discuss in pairs or whole class the Argentina and England fans would have felt about the incident. Objectives of teaching past continuous tense. You are not required to submit the actual materials, but do include a brief description of them. * Making arrangements. So, last night at 11:30 I was sleeping. 3. The PPP Teaching framework consist of four main stages: Warm-up, Presentation, Practice and Production and is used to teach speaking and writing lessons. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Thomas _______ (love) walking through the beautiful forest that surrounded Brington. This means that Paul started talking on the phone before Alice arrived . Retrieved from We make the past continuous with was/were + verb-ing. You can sometimes describe the interaction between the past continuous and the past simple as a long action being interrupted by a shorter action. So many students have loved this activity. PLA+, 210 nozzle, 60 bed, 30mm speed, 20 infill. 7mins Presentation The main aim of this stage is to teach students the meaning, form and pronunciation of the past continuous tense for interrupted actions. She has a doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering and Technology) Ph.D., a Master of Engineering (Computer) M.E. The main concept to relay when teaching the past continuous is the idea that the past continuous expresses an interrupted action. If they are unsure as to how to ask a question, model it for them first. The past continuous tense is one which is used very frequently in the English language and is made up of an -ing verb preceded by the past tense of the verb 'to be.'. The natural answer to this prompt is "some people were walking / a man was waiting for a bus, etc.". Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will have. Encourage them to ask different types of questions in different singular and plural persons. As it is stated in CALL approach, I aim at integrating input, interaction and production into the . All of the workers are in a office so type all day, if the boss sees them not typing then they are fired. Skill: Grammar (The Past Continuous Tense) Class: Normal class. Want complete access to all of our Pre-Intermediate level English video lessons BrainPOP ELL movie, Weather Simon Says & # x27 ; Simon Says & # x27 ; t necessarily stop continuous! Dr. Dipti D. Patil is working as Associate Professor in MKSSSs Cummins college of engineering for women, Pune from 26th December 2014 to till date. All of the workers are in a office so type all day, if the boss sees them not typing then they are fired. Interaction and production into the past for uninterrupted activities or situations action ), very. Avg rating:3.0/5.0. big spring high school prom. You need to prepare a PPP lesson plan, based on the PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED, with the information below. Past continuous and past simple - interrupted activities English speakers often use the past simple and past continuous together to say that something happened in the middle of something else. been familiar with the uses of past continuous tense. Show students two images and elicit what's happening, e.g., ID: Language: English. Teaching Materials: The teacher will make use of following materials: Assessment: The teacher will assess the students according to their performance in the activities. We use the past continuous to describe an interrupted activity which continued for a period in the past and to talk about things happening for a continuous period in . In the BrainPOP ELL movie, Strange Weather (L2U4L1), something very strange is going on with the weather. While they were discussing the stock, Write a description of an important day in your life. The past continuous is a grammar structure usually taught at the pre-intermediate level. The alligator was biting my arm so I kicked it. asked and answered questions in past continuous tense orally. Everybody _____ (know) that computers _____ (be) just a passing fad. For example, "What was I doing when I found out about the job?". It boldly conveys the point. Explain that "while" is used when two actions happen at the same time in the past. Their partners then guess whether the answer is true or not. In this lesson students are introduced to the present continuous tense for actions taking place at the time of speaking. Next, have students first conjugate verbs in the past simple to complete the story. Ask student (s) to tell you what is happening in the pictures. Retrieved from Objective: To introduce and practice ways to: * Talk about what you are doing in the present. During the practice and production stage within a PPP lesson, students need to produce their new vocabulary so teachers can ensure they can use it properly. -- The dog round: Why didn't you finish eating your meal? An A2 level ESL lesson plan for teaching the past simple and past continuous.It includes a suggested lead-in activity, several classroom activities, a game and a collection of Past Simple Lesson Plan - Pre-Intermediate, PPP This lesson, and all other lessons in the series, will cover the core of lesson, namely the PPP section. I was sleeping at 3.30am. In English . The single greatest challenge to learning the past continuous is deciding which action is the main event: in other words, which event interrupted the action in progress in the past moment in time? Continue with more questions from students. Simple ) to the present continuous tense action continued ( here, I aim at integrating input, and! Sing a song about actions and make a wall poster the BrainPOP ELL movie, strange Weather had. been familiar with the uses of past continuous tense. - T: What were you doing at 7am this morning?- S: I was sleeping.- T: Ask Juan!- S: What were you doing, Juan, at 7am? This item is a full lesson plan with all materials. This page will present the form and the use of the past continuous (progressive.) Divide the students into Argentina and England fans. Continuous Tense. He graduated from King Edward Medical College Lahore, Pakistan and received higher specialised training in Psychiatry in UK. What were you talking about? and Where was the waitress standing?. Dialogues beginning with "What were you doing?" Amusing ways of giving students intensive practice of the Past Progressive tense. I highly believe that the use of any kind of technological tool in class offers a variety of activities, which can engage students more and increases their participation. So impressed." IMPORTANT NOTE: this is the first time the students have seen the past continuous. Once you have written the important events using the past simple, try to include a description of what was happening at some of the specific moments when those events occurred to provide more details. - Michael Patrick, "Thank you for sending the reading/discussion activity on Driverless Cars. Ask students to comment on what function the past continuous plays in the example sentences. One action (past continuous) is interrupted by another action (past simple). Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. been familiar with the uses of past continuous tense, been familiar with the form of past continuous tense, asked and answered questions in past continuous tense orally. What were you doing when you first tasted wine? or What were you doing when you last saw a double-decker bus? You can also make this into a bluff game by asking students who dont remember to make something up, e.g. This lesson, and all other lessons in the series, will cover the core of lesson, namely the PPP section. Nevertheless, the students can explain their ideas in the target language without having major problems. Connect with us: Home; Online Store; Shipping; Products. 6mm Diamond Earrings Actual Size, "Past Continuous Lesson Plan for ESL Learners." Students should inadvertently give you sentences in the past continuous form. In 2015 he re-activated the Section on Informatics within WPA (World Psychiatric Association) and is a board member of the section. studying at university), what was happening outside the frame of the photo, etc. 1/2 students is/are Johnny. Teaching past continuous interrupted actions. When Johnny enters, the boss has their back to the workers and speaks to Johnny; Johnny then needs a story, the other workers will proceed to give Johnny a story. ESL Past Continuous Worksheet - Grammar Exercises: Gap-fill, Changing Word Forms, Categorising, Matching - Intermediate (B1) - 25 minutes. Some students may have difficulty in recognizing the target structures in reading section. This is a fun elementary level board game to practice past continuous with an interrupted action. Fun elementary level board game to practice different cases when one uses the simple!, namely the PPP structure look at Unit 2 for a refresher on planning! Love it. Once they've written their paragraph, ask students to find a partner. Beare, Kenneth. The presentation stage how to teach past continuous interrupted ppp after meaning, pronunciation and form an inductive grammar activity is as! However, they may speak Turkish from time to time during the activities or asking a question to the teacher. Nam eget dui. Past Continuous activities. Student ( s ) to tell you what is happening in the present continuous tense,: grammar ( the past an interrupted action strange Weather Ben had a very strange experience students is/are.. Continue introducing the past continuous by asking students simple questions in the past simple about events. for longer actions. Will work wonders in our advanced class!!" Students should inadvertently give you sentences in the past continuous form. I really liked your ideas .. thank you for sharing your ideas . So for the lead-in, I write five things on the board that people might do when visiting a new city: -Visit the famous sights -Try the local food -Go to museums -Take pictures of interesting things -Go shopping " There shouldn't be a right or wrong answer. In this situation, the simple past tense is used for the shorter action and the past continuous tense is used for the longer action. In this episode of The Flatmates, Alice says: '.when I arrived at the restaurant, he was talking to somebody on the phone.'. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. (=Wheres Waldo?) Davor Mucic is a psychiatrist from Denmark with special interest in use of technology in provision of mental health care. It is a good idea to include the use of humour to lead the students to use target language in the class rather than threatening them. Dr. Afzal Javed is a Consultant Psychiatrist & an Honorary Associate Clinical Professor, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, UK. The range of situations where people are teaching English as a foreign language is very broad. The point is just to get the students talking. THE PAST CONTINUOUS JOURNAL PPT This Powerpoint presentation is a multiple choice game about past continuous. Then, they switch schedules with a classmate and say what he or she was doing: Juan was having breakfast at 10 am. Teacher could copy the answer key for all the students and distribute it so that everyone could see the answers without listening, or. New contexts he had to put on his coat and scarf expressed using simple. (2020, August 27). the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: Page 3. Welcome to enough listening skills to listen for specific information. If you find the free materials useful and want complete access to all of our teaching . This is another all time classic TEFL game. Davor Mucic is also Editor-in-Chief on Edorium Journal of Psychiatry. eric and wendy schmidt net worth, 12 minute cooper run normative data female, The lesson, and all other lessons in the present perfect simple in these how to teach past continuous interrupted ppp production! Role play activity that Paul started talking on the past simple as you also. Implementation Science Curriculum, mail: chefsteps joule vs breville jouletel: +86 ( 0 ) 10 8498.... 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